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Sounds Right is an initiative by Museum for the United Nations – UN Live, developed and delivered in close partnership with musicians, creatives, nature sound recordists, conservationists, and campaigning organisations.

Sounds for the NATURE profile on Spotify and Apple Music were provided by VozTerra and our friends at The Listening Planet.

Andean Serene Thunderstorms

Andean Serene Thunderstorms

EP - 2024 ♪ 2 Songs


Thunderstorm - Colombia

Thunderstorm - Colombia

EP - 2024 ♪ 3 Songs

Powerful thunderstorms transport us from the unsettling atmosphere of a threatened marsh on the Colombian coast to a natural reserve in the Andes near a large city like Bogotá. Each thunderclap resonating in these soundscapes reminds us of the fragility of our natural ecosystems and the importance of their conservation. From the protection of endangered habitats to the appreciation of conservation spaces by citizens, these soundtracks invite us to reflect on our role in preserving biodiversity and the value of natural ecosystems in our urban environment.

Forest Bird Songs - Colombia

Forest Bird Songs - Colombia

EP - 2024 ♪ 5 Songs

This sound journey offers just a glimpse of Colombia's astounding bird diversity. Bird songs from the cloud forest of Chicaque Natural Park, other spots in the Andes mountain range, and birds from the Amazon piedmont like the Russet- backed oropéndola and the Rusty-winged barbtail are part of this sample  of remarkable avian diversity found in Colombia. With over 1950 species, including 83 endemic species, Colombia is the country with the greatest bird diversity in the world.  Safeguarding these feathered wonders and their habitats contributes to both the conservation of avian diversity worldwide and Colombia’s natural legacy.

Colombian Melodies Across Seas

Colombian Melodies Across Seas

EP - 2024 ♪ 4 Songs

These soundscapes capture the voice of the Colombian Pacific coast, which is part of the Chocó Biogeographic region, one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. This is a unique and megadiverse region that combines a marine ecosystem with the largest mangroves in South America alongside the tropical rainforest. This region faces major threats to its biological and cultural diversity,  making it one of the priority sites for conservation in the world.

Colombian River Whispers

Colombian River Whispers

EP - 2024 ♪ 5 Songs

Embark on a captivating water sonic voyage through the misty paramos towering over the Andes, flowing down to the lush Amazon piedmont and to the ocean. As each track unfolds, it unveils the intricate melodies of nature, echoing the harmonious interplay between these diverse ecosystems. Within the páramos, where delicate mosses and hardy frailejones thrive, a source of fresh water that sustains life downstream is born. Conservation of these high-altitude ecosystems is essential not only for preserving water resources but also for mitigating the impacts of climate change. Furthermore, the tropical ecosystems nestled within Colombia's borders harbor unparalleled biodiversity, serving as invaluable repositories of genetic and ecological diversity.

Colombian Rainy Mist

Colombian Rainy Mist

EP - 2024 ♪ 5 Songs


Colombian Rainforests

Colombian Rainforests

EP - 2024 ♪ 4 Songs

Immerse yourself in an auditory journey through the landscapes of the Colombian tropical rainforest, where exuberant biodiversity comes to life in every corner. From the melodious songs of exotic birds to the incessant symphony of insects, these sounds capture the vibrant energy of life in this ecosystem. More than just an auditory experience, these sounds remind us of the vital importance of protecting and preserving tropical forests, true treasures of biodiversity that require our commitment and care.

Colombian Late Night Nature

Colombian Late Night Nature

EP - 2024 ♪ 5 Songs

From the chirping of crickets to the croaking of frogs, and the mysterious songs of nocturnal birds on the magical nights of the tropical jungle, each track will transport you to a world of sonic biodiversity. You can listen to a tiny sample of more than 734 species of frogs and toads that inhabit Colombian territory, positioning it as the second country with the largest number of amphibians on the planet.

Tropical Rain Sounds Colombia

Tropical Rain Sounds Colombia

EP - 2024 ♪ 5 Songs

These soundscapes capture the essence of rain across diverse regions of Colombia: the Andes Mountains, Los Llanos or The Eastern plains, the Pacific Coast Region, and The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the Caribbean Region.  Each of these regions is home to unique flora and fauna. Despite their richness, these ecosystems face vulnerability to climate change due to shifts in precipitation patterns and prolonged droughts. Protecting these ecosystems and mitigating climate change is essential to ensure their resilience and the well-being of both local communities and the planet as a whole.

South American Mystical Oceanic Symphony

South American Mystical Oceanic Symphony

EP - 2024 ♪ 5 Songs


Andean Water Sounds Whispers

Andean Water Sounds Whispers

EP - 2024 ♪ 3 Songs




San José de Fragua,<br>Listened by VozTerra

San José de Fragua,
Listened by VozTerra

EP - 2023 ♪ 7 Songs

San José del Fragua, listened by VozTerra is one of the albums recorded by the collective in the Amazonian foothills of Colombia. Bird voices, such as chachalacas, tinamou, oropendolas, and the song of cicadas, among others, transport us to this place known to many as the gateway to the Amazon. In this sonic universe, you can feel the rich biodiversity of the fauna and flora that characterizes this region, as well as the presence of many indigenous cultures, like the Inga and Murui - Huitoto whose presence is essential for the conservation of biodiversity and the transmission of the ancient wisdom of our mother earth.

Mano de Oso,<br>Listened by VozTerra

Mano de Oso,
Listened by VozTerra

EP - 2023 ♪ 7 Songs

The album "Mano de Oso," listened by Daniel Roa, takes us on a journey to the Mano de Oso Natural Reserve. This 70-hectare sanctuary is nestled in the Eastern Hills, bordering the city of Bogotá, perched at an altitude of 2,600 meters above sea level. We extend an invitation for you to immerse yourself in the vibrant life thriving within this natural haven ensconced in the Andes mountain range. This refuge plays a pivotal role in conserving biodiversity and mitigating greenhouse gasses within one of Latin America's largest cities.

Puerto Torres,<br>Listened by VozTerra

Puerto Torres,
Listened by VozTerra

EP - 2023 ♪ 7 Songs

Puerto Torres, listened by VozTerra, was recorded in a rural area in the municipality of Belén de los Andaquíes in the Andean-Amazon piedmont region of Colombia. We can hear the voices of crickets, frogs, cicadas, and other birds of the savannah, such as the barn owl, the Amazon parrot, the jay, and many others that are part of the biodiversity inhabiting pastures and gallery forests on cattle farms that have conservation agreements to protect the forest. This soundscapes will  transport us to these farms, listening to the everyday soundscape with the voices of roosters, cattle, and the farmers at work.

Belén de los Andaquíes,<br>Listened by VozTerra

Belén de los Andaquíes,
Listened by VozTerra

EP - 2023 ♪ 10 Songs

Belén de los Andaquíes, listened by VozTerra, portrays the essence of La Resaca Municipal Park in Caquetá, Colombia. You'll encounter the sounds of crickets, other insects, amphibians, and nocturnal birds that thrive in this forest during the night. This park safeguards the La Resaca Stream, providing crucial water access to the residents of Belén de los Andaquíes municipality. Through the establishment of multiple municipal parks, civil society's unwavering efforts have managed to protect the environment in one of Colombia's most heavily deforested regions.

Sarabando,<br>Listened by VozTerra

Listened by VozTerra

EP - 2023 ♪ 20 Songs

This sonic experience transports us to the El Horeb Natural Reserve, where you can hear howler monkeys, bats, and birds like the undulated tinamou, amidst the voices of the vibrant biodiversity that inhabits this land. A world of water unfolds through various streams and waterfalls, forming part of the vast water network that characterizes this region.

Leticia,<br>Listened by VozTerra

Listened by VozTerra

EP - 2023 ♪ 5 Songs

Discover the rich symphony of the Colombian Amazon. From frogs to monkeys and exotic birds like oropendolas, countless species unite in this vital ecosystem. Each sound echoes the jungle's delicate balance, showcasing its immense biodiversity: over 2.5 million insects, 1300 birds, 3000 fish, 430 mammals, and 40,000 plants call it home. With over 500 indigenous groups relying on its protection, preserving the Amazon is crucial for global climate stability and biodiversity.

Chicaque,<br>Listened by VozTerra

Listened by VozTerra

EP - 2023 ♪ 20 Songs

One of the many cloud forests that are embedded in the Andes Mountains is the Chicaque Natural Park in Colombian territory. There you can hear the rustling of the trees in the middle of the wind, the birth of water, the crystalline streams and hummingbirds, toucans or parrots among the 300 species of birds that call this territory home, and their songs echoing against the imposing wall. of stone that borders the reserve.

Sonidos desde
tu Ventana


Kaputt.wav, Vol 11:<br>Reserva / VozTerra

Kaputt.wav, Vol 11:
Reserva / VozTerra

EP - 2021 ♪ 9 Songs

Reserva / VozTerra was produced by VozTerra in alliance with The Ghetto Project and The Museum for the United Nations - UN Live during the COVID 19 quarintine times. Within the framework of the VozTerra campaign - Sounds from your Window. We invite the digital community of The Ghetto Project to record sounds from their windows during the confinement experienced in 2019. The material collected together with soundscapes previously recorded by VozTerra in the Van der Hammen Forest Reserve and in the La Conejera Wetland (in Bogotá, Colombia), was used by DJs and producers of the world electronic music circuit.

Ventanas Vol. 1

Ventanas Vol. 1

EP - 2021 ♪ 12 Songs

This collection of songs, organized in two volumes, features the participation of more than 30 musicians from 9 countries. Each of these pieces uses soundscapes recorded from people's windows around the world as sound input in the creative process, leaving behind a heartfelt and deep testimony of what the year 2020 meant for these artists and for all of us during those profound times.

Ventanas Vol. 2

Ventanas Vol. 2

EP - 2021 ♪ 5 Songs




EP - 2021 ♪ 15 Songs

Con Alteraciones quisimos abordar la creación sonora desde el arte y la experimentación. Invitamos a 15 artistas de diversas nacionalidades, identidades y visiones del arte sonoro, la música electrónica, electroacústica y generada con algoritmos. El resultado es un viaje que se inicia desde el juego con los sonidos de la naturaleza y avanza poco a poco hacia sonidos cada vez más humanos, urbanos y políticos, invitándonos a reconocernos como parte del ecosistema sonoro de la naturaleza y de la urbe para finalmente escucharnos como sociedad durante estos momentos históricos.

Reserva Van
der Hammen


Reserva Van Der Hammen y Humedal la Conejera

Reserva Van Der Hammen y Humedal la Conejera

EP - 2021 ♪ 9 Songs
